Thursday, May 14, 2009


其實呢,這兩部戲我考慮了蠻久要看哪部,一部看似驚悚的情節,一部是泰國武打片。最后還是選Power Kids,想說最近被他們的泰國拳所吸引。 劇情武打還好(也就只有兩個最耐打,另外一個后面才出手,還有一個一直在搞笑),親情口味蠻重,中場和結尾有被感動到,整部戲還有不少搞笑場面,一般上來說還是可以看的一部戲啦。

下午時段跑去Time Square的一家鳳凰餅家吃飯,上次喝過它們的番薯糖水,雖然看似普通,不過味道就~哇~~~超贊的,最然整個館子的客人就只有我那桌是一個人,是有奇怪一下下,不過糖水催動我的味蕾,當下也沒管那么多叻。 :D 噢買狗,忘了拍照,下次去再拍貝。



Apollo n Hermes said...

(-_-|||) wanna be...Woverine??? then kena eat more lor... know you for so many years... still the same... :P

That Dessert shop ah... never dare to try it out... just... since you recommend then next time go there have a try... :)

彥儒 said...

yes, i want to change wuakaka...need more determination...>.<
At least only the dessert la, the 味is enough, well at least for me :P

Anonymous said...

tell you so many times to workout hard but you just waste ur money, no even to go more than 3 times a month..sigh...

彥儒 said...

T_T now i got determinatino already...will very rajin go liao....wait and c... wuakakaka

Princess said...

i love this movie as well! esp the little bro in the scene ( WOON)~